ASH J’ouvert 2022
Carnival week in Jamaica is in full swing. The crowds are smaller, and some of the familiar faces are missing, AND most of the tourists are missing at this point of the week as well. BUT, that doesn’t mean that the Jamaican soca and carnival lovers were not ready to have a good time. I saw the joy of persons who had not been out to have a good fete in YEARS. The crowd had energy and vibes and people were out ONLY to have a good time. The charcoal was a nice shift from hard to remove paint ,but im sure I’ll be coughing up ash for weeks:)

The event eventually headed on the road for a short road march. At this point there were numerous hiccups as the truck generator malfunctioned. This was eventually rectified and in the interim the soca lovers crew literally sang soca to keep everyone happy. The party ended with some pretty vibesy dancehall to close off the night (nothing is perfect)
Anyhow, take a look at the awesome photos I got!