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Carnival is around the corner and its crunch time.
Diet Check
Goddess Body (almost ) Check
Costume Check
Now what’s the point of all of this if you have noooo idea of the latest carnival hits? (insert cricket sounds here)
During Antigua carnival we play a variety of soca music on the road from Trinidad to Jamaica and everywhere in between, however we also have an array of local hits with our distinctive Antiguan sound.
For those of you coming to Antigua for carnival 2k14 here are MY top 10 favorite songs for Antigua Carnival 2014 in no particular order:
Song Artist
Check them out on youtube. Also make sure you search for all the other 2014 soca songs and start working on your waistline lol . See you on the Road!

Thanks so much for info I have been listening to a few of these but will look up others on YouTube can’t wait for carnival