Time to DIEt. Carnival is coming
The new year has begun. The soca switch has occurred and we have all been working hard to get a little bit closer to the carnival bodies we want.
Well, now it’s crunch time.
I have been fighting a see saw battle with my bodyfat. Frequent commitments have limited my gym time and I am not where I want to be.
So, if you are in a similar position as me, it’s time to focus.

I want to lose about as much fat in the next 40 days as i can while not losing any hard earned muscle.
How easy a goal like this is to accomplish is VERY dependent on the individual. If you are overweight then it’s (at least initially) easy. Diet and exercise will melt the pounds away simply by removing the large amount of excess calories needed to maintain large fat stores. If an overweight person only eats the caloric requirements of their lean body mass they WILL lose weight. If you are already in good shape and just want to get razor sharp…..here is where the sufferation begins. Your body will hold on to the fat for all its worth and must be FORCED to give it up. I am not eatings a lot of excess calories at all. And in fact, because my daily intake is already only just above my daily nutritional needs, the path to weight loss is caloric deficit . This means eating less than my usual daily requirement while increasing my exercise calorie consumption.
This time around for burning calories I’m going try more LISS (Low intensity steady state) exercises. LISS directly burns fat when performed for greater than 45 minutes while HIIT burns glycogen primarily. Both can result in fat loss though.
- I’m going to comitt to 60-90 minutes of fast (3.5-4km/hr) treadmill walking daily for the coming 40 days.
- I’m going to comitt to intermittent fasting from 6pm to 8am
- I’m going to comitt to eating low carb (replacing my carbs with healthy fats like avocado and nuts and seeds)
This only works if you make up your mind that the end goal is important enough and every day is an opportunity to do the right thing.