The new trend of combo tickets
It’s been YEARS since the last proper Trinidad carnival and It’s long overdue for us to get back to spending our money on fetes and having a great time.
The event organizers are also more than ready. They have been waiting years as well and have been planning huge come backs.
I have been keeping track of a new trend I have noticed, combo events. Well, that’s my name for them at least. It’s when events are married to each other like “tin boom” and water crackers at a Jamaican wholesale.

For example, you and me and everyone we know want ticket X. But the only way to get it without “comittee approval” is buying a massively expensive combo ticket locking you into multiple events by the same promoters (ah not calling no name!)

My problem with this is, I want ticket X, not the whole alphabet you are selling. Allow me the freedom to chose the events I want. It’s been years, I want to curate my OWN experience to make it the best it can be.

Don’t get me wrong. Promoters should feel free to make as many great new events as possible. This prevents stagnation and will bring about the new generation of epic events.
Have the combo tickets and have access to the tickets individually as well. If ALL your events are proven to epic, I promise that combo ticket will sell like hotcakes next year. For example, if Caesars army had a combo ticket selling online….sorry for that website.
So beg Yu do! Allow the feters the freedom to decide our own fete lists and we can get back to spending money on fete tickets!