Avoid getting sick AT carnival
Its every carnival chasers nightmare. Reaching carnival after months of waiting, anticipation and preparation, only to come down with the flu or diarrhea to steal your joy.
This very thing (Flu) hit me down in 2020 during the last Trinidad carnival. It was a horrible experience. I tried, but eventually had to go home to go shiver under the sheets for carnival Tuesday.
How can this be avoided?
Well, there is no way to really guarantee your health, but you can take some steps to minimize your chances of getting sick.
Take the flu vaccine.
With persons coming together from around the world it’s inevitable that viruses like the flu will be in circulation. The incubation period is short enough that you can catch it early and be sick in time for the road. The flu vaccine can keep you safer or at least minimise symptoms if you do get sick.
Booster for covid.
Endless strains of covid are out there now. Getting a breakthough infection, even if vaccinated, is still possible. Getting a booster shot of the Bivalent (updated) vaccine will minimize chances of covid kicking you to the side for carnival.
Mask up on airplane
Keeping safe in the crowded conditions on the plane and in the airport is important. If you are exposed to a virus on the road you will be safe and sound at home before you get symptoms. If you get exposed on the plane going to Trinidad, your experience is at risk.

In the fete only eat food that looks fully safe in the fete, preferably none in the fete.
2020, apart from the flu on the carnival road, I also had a bout of TERRIBLE vomiting after my first fete. It may have been viral but may have also been some pork I had that was cooked at my first event. Having a pig on a spit looks great but it’s hard to be sure all of it is cooked properly. I would aim to stick with foods that are obviously well cooked or have little potential to spoil in the event. I make it a point to eat before I fete or at reputable establishments after.
Don’t share cups or straws
This is an easy one. Not only will this keep you safe from germs of the microbial kind but it will also keep you safer from the scumbags who may try to feed you a spiked drink. This is a real thing. It happens in trinidad and I suggest you all get covered cups to protect against it.