

It’s just over 3 months till the greatest show on earth.
2015 has been an intense year. . I have been to 4 carnivals this year and I have to admit I felt burned out and tired going into Miami carnival.
But I don’t know if it was the sun, the rum or the fun but I have felt fantastic since coming back.


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Bareback Master

So I have decided to take advantage of these good vibes. Among other things I’m going to level up from a mere Bareback Barry to a “Bareback Master!”

As I stated in my last post on this issue, it’s a honour to be considered eye candy and you must do your utmost to be the best eye candy you can be.
This year I will use the skills I learned in competing at the Jamaican bodybuilding Association fitness show to get into better shape than I have ever been.
Expect the shirt to come off even earlier in the fetes this carnival!

I’m starting now by increasing my cardio and doing more high intensity interval training at Mountain Springs in the form of interval sprints with minimal rests. I’m also coupling this with a subtle change in diet in which I have stopped eating all added sugar. This includes sweetened drinks which tend to contain an astonishing amount of sugar!
Just cutting excess sugar alone may get you to your weight goals.
Don’t think it’s a walk in the park though. Sugar is everywhere and it’s taste is addictive. You WILL crave it. Your desire to become a Bareback Master is what can give you the willpower to resist!


I have talked to my trainer and we are ramping up Gym work just as if we were heading into a competition. It’s that serious.

As I get older I realize that everything is for a time.  When the time comes when I’m no longer capable of playing mas, I want to go with a lot of happy memories and no regrets….. No woulda, coulda, shoulda!
So if you see me taking off my shirt, don’t hold me back. I’m living my life the way I want to…. One shirtless fete at a time:)


Where is YOUR shirt?!