AMbeach 2023 review
Our first fete in Trinidad for carnival was AMbeach! It is always a good time to have a fete on a beach. Bikinis and Booze are quite the combination. This and the very scenic venue at Maracas beach make this quite a fun event. This year the Caesars army team stepped up the production value of the event with more food stations, more premium drink options and a bigger venue. The morning was a little overcast which meant less burning up in the hot sun and more energy to fete. The vibes took a little longer to ramp up than I wanted as ealier on in the event people took the time to get their food, but when everyone’s belly was full of food and drink it was definitely time for JAMMING. The last hour of the event, my friends and I had the time of our lives!

At the end, when we were leaving we also ran into Caesar’s Army staff who polled and questioned us regarding what we liked and didn’t like about this years event. It was refreshing to see a promoter actively trying to improve their event. Hats off to the Caesars Army team!
Anyways, no long talking. Take a look at some of the images I captured: