
Transform yourself. The time to get in shape is now!

Many of you aspire to improve your physiques and are simply waiting for.the right time.   Of course we know how busy things can get.  Work, family and other obligations can derail any fitness plan. Plus carnival is FAR away.  Why bother thinking about it now.

We’ll I’m here to tell u to shut the hell up and just get to work.


If you are going to start next month, or even next week I have news for you. You will never start unless you just start now!
If work and family are in the way, work around it! At 5am you don’t have any work!  The kids must eventually sleep!
No money for a big expensive gym?  Find the cheapest rustiest peice of crap gym and get to work. Results often depend on your effort rather than how pretty your gym is.
Not comfortable in a gym at all?
No excuse!  Do it at home with or any workout tape.  You can even walk in the park with friends.

Schedule too busy?…..If you want that body, literally make the time.  Stop going to something….skip something….you just need an hour a day.

This year I have decided to try and take things to a higher level.

After getting a good coach I’m not only in the best shape of my life at age 40 I’m also going to test my mettle on stage competing in my first bodybuilding show. Of course I’m in one of the lighter categories but it’s hard work and dedication all the same.
I have a family, demanding job plus this blog and I can make time. So can you! Get cracking!

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