Strategies to keep safe this Miami carnival 2021.
Miami carnival Is fast approaching and we can feel the excitement in the air as it’s almost time to fete and hit the road.

It’s not all fun and giggles though, as the Delta version of coronavirus is spreading in Florida currently. Florida has one of the highest rates of spread of the Delta variant in the entire United States.
Pfizer, Moderna and Astra Zeneca all still offer excellent protection thankfully but that doesn’t mean that you can’t take precautions to protect yourselves and others.
First up. If you ask me….all this carnival and mass gatherings stuff, Its for vaccinated people. Unvaxxed persons are just taking unnecessary risk, kinda like driving without a seatbelt in Jamaica. There is lots of time. Please go sort that out!
For the Vaccinated, catching covid (even delta) is likely an asymptomatic event and only very rarely more than sniffles but you still don’t want to be under the weather during or after carnival, or worse, give it to susceptible persons back home.
Here are some simple tips after vaccination to help keep you a little safer.

Mask up.
For Miami, I plan to mask up in all the fetes. Sure, Im vaccinated, but I know there are MANY who are afraid of 5G and microchips who could still expose me. Masking up with a well fitting cloth mask can help protect you from breathing in the pesky virus. Cloth masks have limited effectiveness but it’s definitely better than being unmasked. For the fashion conscious, get styled masks or gemmed masks etc.
Dont share drinks
Covid is almost exclusively spread by breathing in droplets but that doesnt mean you cant catch it through other means. Don’t share straws and cups.
Elbow bump.
For me, gone are the days of kiss on cheek and shouting in face to greet carnival acquaintances whose status I don’t know. Good ole elbow bump, masked hail up and keep it moving.
Stick to your crew.
Partying with your crew is always the best. Social distancing with the people you trust and whos vaccination status you more likely know limits your exposure while allowing you to enjoy partying to the max.

Now even with doing all these things, its likely that you may be exposed to Delta this Miami carnival. You should REALLY get vaccinated if you are not already and in the next few months keep a close eye on the CDC for info on how well these vaccines work as they face the challenge of Delta.
Lets keep our fingers crossed that come october we will be fetting safely again.