It’s time to get the body you want.
This year was slightly disappointing in terms of my physical development.
I again competed in the Jamaica bodybuilding and fitness association national competition but did much worse than last year.
I also lost focus on my preparation for Cropover as well
Well it’s time to re evaluate my routine and physique and decide how to fix things.

I know one important factor was the number of days per week I work out.
I need to consistently work out at LEAST 5 days a week to maintain my body as I travel through middle age.
I need to find a way to do some amount of exercise effectively at home….
Cause s%+£ happens .
I need to work out quickly and efficiently as I have a family and career (and blog) to attend to.
The specific areas I need to focus on for carnival and for next year’s bodybuilding competition are :
My diet, both for growth and for competition conditioning.
My abs (heavily dependent on diet) which I also want to make more muscular.
I want to also keep fitter with more running. I aim to do a few 5k races in the coming year.
It’s a lot to do, but if I focus and become more efficient it can be done.

Many will rightly say. “Why do you bother to go through all this. You should be satisfied with where u are now if you want to be happy”.
My answer is that part of what makes me happy is the journey, the effort to get in shape and the other part is the satisfaction of achieving a difficult goal. It’s hard, make no mistake about it, and that is part of the allure of getting that “carnival body” doing something others are unwilling to do then enjoying the results of that labour fully.
With that I say unto thee. Go forth. Adjust and adapt and redesign your workout programs. Find time in the nooks and crannies of your daily schedules.
Take your bodies to the next levels.
Level up!
Thanks to @ulissesjr for the Cover photo.