Does carnival get better as you get older?
i was giving this some thought today. For most of us, we think of carnival as being at its best when we are young. Our bodies are at at their physical best, and we are carefree and full of vigor and vitality.
But now, as a rapidly aging carnival chaser, I have a new perspective as my frame of reference changes.

I started my carnival journey in my very late 20s, a late bloomer. Carnival helped me break out of my introverted shell and opened my eyes to a new world of self appreciation, culture and friendships.
It’s not only about party and wine up. I have made lifelong friends who I would never have met if not for carnival. Its also a wonderful feeling to share in this cultural expression with so many like minded persons.

Also, for me in particular, the time I spend behind the lens of my camera has become more and more important to me. I feel pride in capturing the emotions and joy of carnival in photos and video even as I simultaneously admit that I have a lot to learn about photography and videography.
I think as a middle aged man, I enjoy carnival at least as much as when I was younger….. Hear me out:
- I’m now a big man with a family and a (moderately) high pressure job. Carnival can often act as a catharsis. And I use this feeling to work harder and be a better husband and father to earn my Carnival break. Now at almost 50, I truly appreciate every second at carnival.
- Middle age is a funny time. You certainly aren’t a spring chicken (I groan to rise from chairs) but you ain’t truly old either. It’s the age where a man can have his salt and pepper beard AND his six pack. The fact that you have to work so much harder and be more focused to stay fit makes you appreciate your body even that much more. Even at your best you won’t look 18 again, but if you work hard you will be prouder of how you look at 50.
- Another great thing about getting older is not having the hangups and anxieties of your youth. Not getting stressed out because you didn’t get into the hype section. Not letting the usual troubles of carnival, ticket and costume collection ruin your day. You know that it’s nothing to stress about. You are going to enjoy carnival no matter what.
- Finally, it’s more likely that you have the financial independence to afford the creature comforts of your trip. A proper hotel, the costume you really want, the fetes you want. Cost is often much less of an impediment to your enjoyment of your carnival.

So if you are on the fence about it. Don’t be. Carnival is not limited to a certain age or any other demographic.
It is joy, freedom and euphoria that we enjoy in slightly different ways as we age, but we still enjoy it at all ages!
So, to the 40 year old carnival virgins out there still on the fence about playing mas…..take the plunge…..I promise you won’t regret it!