Chip behind the truck for 3 days for carnival in Jamaica 2024
A huge complaint I have often heard about Carnival in Jamaica Is that for the price you only get one day of mas. In Trinidad, you get two days of mas but the price is not twice as high.

Well, for 2024 Carnival in Jamaica is getting an upgrade. We may not have two days of mas but this year there will be two additional events that will have you chipping behind a truck.
The first is illuminate on Carnival Wednesday
The next is Xodus Remedy on Carnival Saturday.

Both these events are exciting carnival fetes, that then morph into mini road march fetes similar to Bacchanal road in Trinidad.
Having attended several of these events in the past I can assure you that they are exciting, full of vibes and a great addition to the full day of mas on the road on Carnival Sunday.
This lines up with what I have been screaming from the hills for years. Carnival in Jamaica is fantastic value for money and a great time! Why wouldn’t you come??