Limerz Cruise 2014 review
Sunday morning in Barbados we woke up with the previous nights BLISSFUL experience still tingling under our skins.
We gathered ourselves and headed to spring garden to catch the start of Limerz cruise.
After a short check in process we gathered on the dock for a short lime and breakfast. The breakfast wasn’t gourmet, but it at least we got something. Bottles of moet were also available for sale for those with more discerning tastes.

The boats started loading on time and we settled down on ours.
To tell the truth, before we set off I was very worried about our boat. Everyone seemed very laid back and withdrawn. The bar looked very small and I didn’t see many bottles back there. I spied the DJ sleeping on a bench at the back of the boat. It looked like we had drawn the short straw. We stuck to our guns and resigned ourselves to snapping a few pics.
“Let’s get a drink “
Soon after leaving dock the bar sprang into action. It was like Jesus and the 5 loaves of bread. The one little bartender started shooting out Hennesey and red bull like a machine gun. People started drinking like fishes. The DJ was spinning some sweet soca and soon waistlines got loose.
Soon we were awash in wine. Fellas. Let’s just say the male to female ratio was adequate. G-string clad batty jaws were everywhere. Vibes…. Were at MAXIMUM!
The lunch was self serve and the 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish the bartender had behind the bar just kept on stretching and stretching. My belly was full!
By the time the boat got back we were all smiles. This was the hypest fete yet and a step up from last year. We secretly whispered apologies to the black boat (we will never doubt the boat again) and crawled off nursing blisters on our toes from wining on the rough deck
The black boat was off the chain.
Next year we will be doing cropover bigger and better than ever before and you best believe that Limerz Cruise will have a giant stamp of approval and be whole heartedly #lehwegorecommended!
See photos here!