Kadooment day 2013 review

The big day had come…Grand Kadooment! We peeled ourselves out of bed and had a few morsels of leftover food from the fridge and made our way to the meeting point. Again, it was a large mish mash of all the bands like J’ouvert and we had a few minutes to mingle before hitting the road with Baje. The costumes were on point with a lot of the frontline costumes looking very, very nice and the back line costumes pretty good as well. Bajan eye candy was in full effect for the men and women. I have to admit the average physique (both male and female) in Barbados is better than in any of the other islands I have been to, including my native Jamaica. Barbados. Keep it up! It’s a good look! I got some great advice from a friend regarding the road in Barbados “It’s over at 3pm, do not pace yourself!”. Excellent, excellent advice! Go Hard and dun! That’s just what we did. The “stage” was a chip through the national stadium with only a few minutes of waiting and a nice cool breeze the entire time (take notes Trinidad) and the road, although crowded at times, was always fun. From beginning to end.
Machel passed through on one of the trucks giving an impromptu performance as well. Once we got on Spring Garden Highway I noticed that the drinks trucks and pee trucks disappeared and never returned. I motored on! Next thing you know…it’s done!
Well it was a blast. The fact that it finished half day and I felt satisfied is testimony to how much fun It was. At this point we headed home to prepare for the post road cruise by Caesars army….OH SHIP! Take a look at some photos and a video from the day.
Also take a look at some other videos I found from the day~