SOS: Save our Skin. Protect your skin against the Jamaican summer carnival sun.
This year, Carnival in Jamaica will be in the BLAZING summer sun. July is the time of year we have the MOST intense sun and highest UV indices. Being half naked on the road will be different from the slightly milder conditions in April and even seasoned masqueraders may find themselves sporting a painful sunburn at the end of the day. And don’t think that your beautiful black skin can protect you …..its not magical, only more resistant to burning. I PROMISE you that if you stay in the sun unprotected for long enough you WILL burn.
Well, as someone who has experienced a painful burn or two, I’m here to offer some kind advice to help you survive carnival in July.
Choose your bunblock.
There are a bewildering variety of sunblocks on the market. Here is my go to advice on how to choose them.
First, you want a sunblock that is going to last and stay put. For best results I have found “sport” sunblocks actually do last a little longer. Look for SPORT versions in particular.

Next, you want to get maximum protection without skin irritation and without that white pasty creamy look.
I find that the sunblock sprays offer the best protection without that white creamy film. I have also found that SPF 50 or 65 gives that high level of protection and is less thick than say SPF 100 which can also cause skin irritation (for me at least). Another factor is that if anything over SPF50 gets in your eyes……God go wid yu!
SPF50 is bad enough and will have your eyes looking like you are on drugs…SPF100 in your eye and you may find yourself at a medical station getting a prolonged eye rinse. Because of this, I advise you to search for “No tears” or “no sting” Face sunblock with high levels of SPF to put on your head and face. This way if sweat runs into your eyes you will be spared and will still be able to enjoy your day on the road.

Make sure to carry a tin of spray to re apply during lunch as the morning application will NOT last the entire day. Try to be as dry as possible when reapplying as spraying sunblock onto a thick film of sweat is less effective.
Level up
Now if you want to take things to the next level (like I plan to) you can choose a sports SPF 50 or up LOTION. You apply liberally and copiously all over your body from the nose down. You rub until the white sheen mostly goes away and leave it to set for about half hour before you do any sweating or go in the sun. After this setting in period the white sheen fades away. This will give great protection for most of the day. You can then use the no tears sunscreen for your head and face.

As before, carry some more for reapplication at lunch when you have breezed off and are less sweaty to get the maximum protection. Just make sure to rub thoroughly and wait a while before getting sweaty or going in the sun to let it soak in and minimize the white film.
On a side note. You may also see that mineral sunscreens are best for the face as they don’t run. These are the super white pasty sunscreen worn by cricketers and no matter how much you rub, that white film won’t soak in fully.
Boss Level
Many of you will laugh me to scorn but i’m impervious to peer pressure and i’m married so its ok if i look like a dork on the road.
Block the sun all together with an umbrella. As silly as this looks, trust me, when the sun starts to beat and you are in the blazing unforgiving sun, it will look a LOT cooler.

Get a nice small model that folds up nicely and can strap to your wrist. Also, (pro tip) get one that DOESN’T have a black interior. The black interior radiates huge amounts of heat compared to other lighter colours and even though you will be protected from UV rays you will sweat buckets. Get a light coloured umbrella.